Lenovo has been teasing an upcoming Note series smartphone on social media and is hinting at the features of the upcoming device. Though the phone has not been made official and none of the specifications are actually mentioned, Lenovo is giving some clues as what the specifications could be. The hashtag the brand is using for the smartphone is #KillerNote and clearly, the smartphone will be a part of the Note series. Also, the term ‘Killer’ tells us that it could be the next Lenovo K Note-series smartphoneDecember and the phablet was priced at Rs 13,999. In terms of specifications, the teasers mention a lag-free device. The “powerful processor” teased by Lenovo aims at a fast and speedy multitasking experience. While the exact specifications are still a mystery, rumors have suggested that the smartphone will come either a Snapdragon 630 or Snapdragon 660 chipset.
The end is in sight: Windows 10 will be released on July 29 as a free download for anyone running Windows 7 , Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 ; the free update will be available for a year. If you aren't eligible for the free upgrade (perhaps one of the many still running Windows XP) you can also pick up individual licenses. Windows 10 Home will set you back $119, and Windows 10 Pro will cost you $199. There isn't any word on international pricing, but those prices are identical to Windows 8 pricing, and convert to £78 / AU$156 and £131 / AU$262 for the Home and Pro versions, respectively. The Windows 10 Technical Preview has come a long way over the last nine or so months , but there's still plenty left to iron out before the next generation of Windows is humming along on our PCs, tablets and phones. To that end, the latest build of Windows 10 (Build 10130) is all about bug fixes and cosmetic tweaks. Get a closer look at the Windows 10 Technical Preview (pictures) The Micr...
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